Horribilis, Pt. 6

Chana blinked in surprise. Her mind was still processing the woman’s words, trying to make sense of them, when the wooden door to the home swung open. The older woman filled the doorway, shorter than Chana’s own considerable height but broader, her body at once strengthened and bowed by many long years spent tending to the pains and needs of her people.

She looked up at Chana in surprise for a moment before her expression turned back to in irritation. “Ah. My apologies, child. I thought you were someone else.”

“Marius? What ails him? Is he unwell? Is it serious?”

Anya chuckled and shook her head. “Oh, you needn’t concern yourself with that, I promise. There is nothing wrong with him that couldn’t be solved if he would spend more time playing with his children and going with the other men on hunts instead of drinking his wine and worrying about his hair growing thin and grey.”

Chana tried to summon Marius’s face in her mind’s eye. It had been a while since she’d spoken more than a few words with him out of politeness. Was his hair growing thin and grey? Was his belly growing fat? She’d have to make it a point to go and see him. It wouldn’t do for her not to know her own people.

Anya spoke, stirring her from her reverie. “What do you need, child?”

The younger woman pointed at the wound on the side of her head. “I was careless during training this morning. Father insisted that I see you so you could bandage the wound.”

Anya sniffed and nodded once. After a moment, a wry smile crept across her face. “Of course. And I assume you would rather I let you dress it yourself, yes?”

Chana grinned back at the old woman. “You know me so well, my lady.”

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